The Cala kIQ™ System is reimbursed for veterans
The Cala kIQ™ System is the only wearable therapy covered by the Department of Veterans Affairs to treat essential tremor. Visit a neurologist at your local VA facility to get started for 90 days at no cost.

Answer a few questions and find out if the Cala kIQ System could work for you.
How do I access the Cala kIQ device through the VA?
Visit your local VA to get started. When you receive a prescription, the Prosthetics department places an order directly with Cala. We call you to answer any questions and confirm the order.
In order to qualify, you must receive your prescription through a VA facility. Prescriptions received outside of the VA are not covered by the VA.
What can I expect?
After we receive and validate the order from the VA, your device is ready to ship!
How you receive the device varies according to the VA facility. In some cases, Cala ships the device directly to your home and contacts you to schedule training. In other cases, we ship your device to your local VA facility, where you receive your device during training scheduled with the VA. Ask your VA provider how you will receive your device.
What’s the expected out-of-pocket cost?
As a veteran receiving therapy within the VA system, there is no out-of-pocket cost to you. Cala therapy is fully reimbursed by the VA.
What’s the return policy?
You have 90 days to try Cala therapy at no cost. If you and your doctor decide not to continue with the Cala kIQ System, simply return the stimulator, base station, and any bands you have to Cala.
How do I get new bands when mine have expired?
This varies by VA facility. Contact your local VA office to find out how you can get band refills.
In some cases, you need to visit your physician either through a telehealth or face-to-face visit to order new bands. After the visit, the VA places an order directly with Cala.
The bands expire after 90 days of use. If a VA appointment is needed to obtain a band refill, we recommend scheduling your appointment early to avoid a gap in therapy.