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Want to get a Cala kIQ prescription quickly? Use our locator tool to find a local provider who’s familiar with Cala TAPS (Transcutaneous Afferent Patterned Stimulation) Therapy. You can also find a VA center to prescribe the Cala kIQ System.
Cala encourages patients to seek medical attention for typical and atypical symptoms associated with movement disorders to help achieve and maintain good health with as high a quality of life as possible. Cala offers this “Find a Healthcare Professional” directory as a resource to help patients find an experienced Cala therapy prescriber in a specific geographical area.
Please be advised that any communication outside this website is not covered by our privacy policy or terms of use. Not all Cala therapy prescribers are displayed. Experienced Cala therapy prescribers have the option of not being listed on this locator. Cala does not warrant, whether expressed or implied, the accuracy, completeness, or feasibility of the information contained in the “Find a Healthcare Professional” directory. In no event shall Cala be liable to you or anyone else for any actions you took in reliance on the information contained in the “Find a Healthcare Professional” directory. Cala does not make any recommendations, referrals, or endorsements regarding specific Healthcare professionals with whom patients may seek treatment, nor does this site serve as a tool for verification of a specific healthcare professional’s credentials, qualifications, or abilities. Only a trained Healthcare Professional is qualified to recommend treatments and/or make diagnoses. You assume full responsibility for your communications and interactions made with any Healthcare Professional you choose to contact from the use of this “Find a Healthcare Professional” directory. You agree to and accept the above terms by using the search field below.