I’m Holly. And I would say that the difference with a Cala treatment is indeed the difference between night
and day. It’s the difference between feeling very apprehensive and feeling more confident. I think the first
time that I really notice hand tremor was about my late 40s.
But it was when I was in my mid-50s that I decided that it was probably a good time to see a neurologist
and figure out if I did indeed have Parkinson’s.
Essential tremor has affected my life particularly in a dining situation. And it would be difficult for me
to drink without spilling. It was difficult keep food on my fork. It’s difficult to read, holding a book or
a magazine, newspaper. In the cooking field I have trouble keeping a knife steady when the tremor is really
I have so many reactions to medication that I decided I didn’t even want to pursue medication. And I knew
that I did not want to pursue brain stimulation or focused ultrasound. And then two people from Cala came to
interview people that might be interested in being in one of the testing programs. And I think I was the
first person that shot up my hand.
I was so excited about it because I just knew that it was going to be something very special. When I took
the prescription into my physician he had absolutely no clue what Cala Trio was. And I took the packet of
information I took into him and was going to go on the website and read all about it.
And he was pleased to be able to give me the prescription, so that I could get my own.
Cala Trio has changed my life. And it even brings tears to my eyes. It has made such a difference in my
life. Being able to read without the book shaking all over the place, feeling more secure cooking, using a
knife. One of the best parts is being able to eat and drink without having a tsunami in my cup and not
having food fall off my fork.
It’s just so nice to be able to go about my normal business, knowing that I’m not going to be trembling the
way that I had prior. It’s an amazing, amazing medical device. I want to spread the word because it is so
effective. My prayer is that many people will come to know about Cala and Cala Trio.